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Student Services
Student Services

Programme Requirements

It is the responsibility of students to make sure that they will complete their degree requirements within the normal study period.


You are expected to familiarize yourself with the graduation requirements of your study programme and to check your progress from time to time and seek help from academic advisor/mentor when necessary.


You must ensure that you have taken the necessary courses required to fulfill all the graduation requirements.  Particular care should be taken with the sequence in which courses are taken to meet any prerequisite requirements.  You are strongly recommended to refer often to the study schedule of your study programme which is available in the BUniPort, and seek academic advising before every course pre-registration exercise.


Make sure that you

  • Participate in the online course pre-registration and course add/drop via the BUniPort during the designated period announced by the Academic Registry; and
  • Access Moodle to keep track of online course information and requirements