Student Services
The University may at any time, by action of the Senate, require any student to terminate his/her study at the University either on academic or disciplinary grounds, or on other grounds deemed appropriate.
The Senate may also dismiss a student whose conduct or general influence is considered harmful to the institution. Such a student will normally NOT be considered for re-admission.
Students with Academic Problems under the following conditions will be dismissed by the University on academic grounds:
- a student taking 12 units or more counting towards GPA in a semester and whose semester GPA is below 1.67 for two consecutive semesters; or
- a student taking less than 12 units counting towards GPA in a semester and whose semester GPA is below 1.67 for three consecutive semesters; or
- other academic grounds, e.g. a student failing a required course after repeating it twice; or
- upon the recommendation of the Department Head/Programme Director.
A student who wishes to appeal against such dismissal decisions may do so in writing to the Academic Registrar. Please refer to Appeals against Academic Decisions for details.