Documents Required
Applications should be submitted online via the Online Application Systemi. Applicants are required to submit the following supporting documents along with their application:
Photocopies of
- HKID card (for local applicants); Passport or other identity documents of home country (for non-local applicants)ii. Please click here for details.
- Degree certificate(s)/graduation diploma(s), and transcript(s)iii for academic qualification(s) supporting the application
- English proficiency test results (e.g. TOEFL/IELTS results)iv
- Hong Kong public examination results, if applicable (e.g. HKCEE/HKALE/HKDSE)
- Other relevant test results, if applicable (e.g. GMAT, GRE)
- Certificate(s)/supporting document(s) of scholarship(s) and prize(s)
- Certificate(s) of professional qualification(s)
- Sample(s) of publication or research work/record of research experience/publication list
Confidential Reference Form
All applicants, except those applying for the Postgraduate Diploma in Education, are required to provide confidential references from two referees. The University will invite the referees via email to submit online Confidential Reference Form to a designated online platform within two weeks upon the applicant’s successful submission of the application.
To avoid delay in processing the application, applicants are therefore reminded to check the accuracy of the referees' information and follow up with the referees as appropriate for submission of the Confidential Reference Form.
Proof of Application Fee Payment
The non-refundable application fee is HK$450.
Notes to Applicants
The University does not entrust any third-party intermediary or agency to handle admissions applications and related matters. Please submit the application and fees directly to Hong Kong Baptist University.
By submitting an admission application to Hong Kong Baptist University (the “University”), an applicant shall be unconditionally bound by the following terms:
- An applicant shall ensure that all the information set out in his/her admission application is accurate, true and complete.
- Upon submission of the application, an applicant is deemed to have given consent to the University to verify all the submitted information with the relevant institutions.
- Any submission of false, fabricated, forged, or misleading information or documents (including qualifications, certificates, diplomas, and transcripts) in the admissions application is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to disqualify any application from further consideration for admission, to withdraw the admission offer (whether it has been accepted or not), to terminate the applicant’s enrolment at the University and/or take other actions at the University’s absolute discretion, under any of the following circumstances:
- any false, fabricated or forged document and/or false, inaccurate or misleading information has been provided in the application for admission; or
- the applicant’s failure to provide to the University the original certificate(s), official certification(s) and/or other additional supporting document(s) as requested by the University by the due date as specified by the University; or
- the applicant’s failure to prove the academic and/or other qualification(s) or credential(s) to the satisfaction of the University.
- Once paid, the admission confirmation fee shall be non-transferrable and non-refundable, subject to the offer terms and offer conditions set out or referred to in the admission offer letter.
- In case of false, inaccurate or misleading information having been provided as part of your application for admission, the University may take disciplinary and other actions against you as appropriate. If the circumstances warrant, the University may also report the case to the relevant authorities and/or law enforcement bodies.
i An acknowledgment email will be sent to the applicant once he/she has successfully submitted the application online. Upon successful submission of the application, applicants are not required to email or post any supporting document(s) to the University. If further document(s) is needed, the University will send a follow up email directly to the applicants.
ii Non-local students are defined as students holding student visa / entry permit, visa under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates, or dependent visa who are aged 18 years old or above before 1 September of the year of which they are admitted to relevant post-secondary programmes in Hong Kong issued by the Director of Immigration.
iii Upon receipt of the admission offer, applicants are required to arrange sending the official transcript(s) of the academic qualification(s) to the Academic Registry (Taught Postgraduate Studies Section) directly by the awarding institution(s)/authorities. HKBU graduates/students are exempted from submitting the official transcript(s) for their previous/current studies in the University.
iv The test result provided should be within two years from the date of issuance of the Admission Offer letter. Test result of TOEFL iBT Home Edition or IELTS Indicator is not accepted. Individual programmes may stipulate different English language requirements, or equivalent acceptable qualifications, suitable for their fields of study. For programme specific entrance requirements, please click here for details.