Student Services
Leave of Absence
2021/22 academic year and before
- Leave of Absence refers to the leave granted to students due to participation in internship/placement or self-arranged overseas studies.
- Suspension of Studies refers to the leave initiated by students due to health problems, urgent family affairs or other circumstances as deemed acceptable by the student's Department/Programme.
2022/23 academic year onwards
A new set of regulations has been implemented:
- Leave of Absence refers to all types of leave initiated by and granted to students for reasons such as internship/placement, self-arranged overseas studies, health problems or urgent family affairs.
- Suspension of Studies refers only to the disciplinary sanction imposed on students by the University.
- Students may be permitted to take leave of absence from their studies in cases of health problems, study-related placement, or other circumstances as deemed acceptable by the student’s programme.
- Students who wish to take leave of absence should apply via BUniPort by the deadline stipulated by the Academic Registry:
For health problems or other circumstances as deemed acceptable by the student's Department/Programme Application should be made at least 4 weeks before the commencement of the semester final examination. For study-related internship/placement Application should be made in advance before the start of the leave period.
The Academic Registrar will consult with the Department Head/Programme Director before making a decision. A leave period up to 2 semesters may be granted for each application approved. For further extension of the leave period, a new application has to be made before the expiration of the leave period.
- The Academic Registry will inform the student of the application result. If the application is approved, the student will be notified of the approved period of leave of absence.
- Students must apply for Resumption of Studies via the BUniPort at least ONE MONTH before expiration of the approved leave period. Otherwise, the student will be considered as having unofficially withdrawn from the University. For leave of absence approved on medical grounds, a medical document certifying that the student is fit for study must be attached with the application for resumption of studies.