Supplementary Examination
The supplementary examination will normally take place during the period of make-up examination and will be administered by the Academic Registry or individual departments.
Students who fail a course only due to failure of the end-of-semester examination or year examination may be allowed to sit for supplementary examination, as may be recommended by the Programme in consultation with the course instructor.
Students, including final year students, are allowed to take supplementary examination for a maximum of 1 course per semester and Grade D is the maximum grade for the course after supplementary examination.
For final year students, recommendation to take supplementary examination for any failed course in Semester 2 should be approved by the Senate.
Students who are recommended for a supplementary examination for a course will be notified by email. Supplementary examination timetable for Semesters 1 and 2 will be announced via the BUniPort ("My Examination Timetable") about 1 week before the supplementary examination period stated on the Academic Calendar. Students should login BUniPort to check the details themselves.