Responsible Conduct of Research (CITI Program)
It is a requirement for Professional Doctorate (PD) students to complete an online course MCCP6150 Responsible Conduct of Research (CITI Program) for confirmation of candidature (Section 18.2 of the General Regulations). MCCP6150 is a required course and will be pre-enrolled for all PD students in their first term of studies. Please follow the instructions in the Registration Guide for creating an account for access to the course materials.
To pass MCCP6150, students are required to complete twelve designated modules and obtain a minimum score of 80% for each module. Upon completion, students shall download a completion report from the CITI Programme website and email the report to hkbu_tpg@hkbu.edu.hk and copy to programme office (DBA: hkbudba@hkbu.edu.hk; EdD: educ@hkbu.edu.hk). Upon verification, eligible students shall receive an ‘S’ grade for the course MCCP6150 Responsible Conduct of Research within five working days.
For further information, please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). If you have any questions on creating an account/login related matters, please contact the Taught Postgraduate Studies Section at hkbu_tpg@hkbu.edu.hk. For other matters, please seek advice from your Programme Office.