Student Services
Important Notes for Graduating Students
BEFORE approval of graduation:
- Login to BUniPort.
- Verify personal data (English and Chinese names will be printed on the graduation diploma) - names should be identical with those on the HKID Card.
- Any discrepancies, please complete the form Application for Amendment of Student Personal Data and return it to the Academic Registry immediately.
AFTER approval of graduation:
- Once graduation is approved by the Senate, students cannot update their information via the BUniPort. The account for Moodle and/or other eLearning platform(s) will also cease. However, student may still access BUniPort to view the grade report and personal data until 31 December of the year that they graduate. Should there be any name amendment for the Commencement and graduation diploma, please refer to the Commencement webpage.
- Arrangements concerning the Commencement and collection of diploma will be sent to students’ HKBU email accounts around late March. For students residing in the Mainland, please be reminded to access the HKBU email account via the BUniPort.
- Students may activate, before graduation, the automatic forwarding function to redirect all the emails to their personal email address.
- Please bookmark the Commencement webpage to check out the latest information regarding the Commencement.
- Kindly note that students have to settle all outstanding university fees, if any, before they can collect the diploma.