Grades and GPA
Letter grades are used to indicate the results of assessment. The number of grade points gained by a student in a particular course corresponds to the letter grade. For details, please refer to the University Student Handbook.
To view your grade report:
1. Login to the BUniPort
2. Select "Studies" and then "My Studies"
3. Select “Study Progression” and then “My Grade Record”
Grade Point Average (GPA) is an important indicator of the academic standing of a student. It is obtained by adding all the grade points gained and then dividing the sum by the total number of units attempted.
Term GPA is calculated from all the grade points gained and the number of units attempted in a given term. Cumulative GPA (cGPA) is calculated from the cumulative grade points gained and the cumulative number of units attempted.
Courses with grade F must be repeated. Students can at most repeat two such courses and each course can only be repeated once. If the course to be repeated is an elective course, it may be replaced by another course approved by the Department/ Programme. Notwithstanding, students may only repeat a maximum of three passed courses with Grade C+ or below for improvement of GPA. All courses repeated are recorded in the transcript. The original grades or the repeated grades, whichever are higher, will be included in the cGPA calculation