Quality Assurance
Introduction of Minor Programmes
Policy Guidelines
- A Minor programme should consist of 15 units with at least one 3-unit course at the upper level (Level 3 or 4).
- A Minor programme should be developed from a Major programme of study, except for some language Minors.
- Applications for introducing interdisciplinary Minors, which are NOT evolved from any Major programmes, will normally NOT be entertained.
- The number of Minor programmes should be confined to one per Department/Academy, and any single Department/Academy with two Minor programmes or any Minor programmes housed under a Faculty/School that are currently on offer under the 4-year curriculum are regarded as grandfathered cases.
Approval Procedures
To introduce a Minor Programme, the Programme Planning Team (PPT) should submit a Minor programme proposal, duly endorsed by the Faculty/School Board, to the Senate via the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) for consideration and approval.