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Quality Assurance

Course Evaluation



The University values feedback from students on their learning experience so that the quality of the programmes can be continuously enhanced.  The creation and use of systems, processes and channels of effective communication (e.g., Course Feedback Questionnaire (CFQ), staff-student consultation meetings, mentoring sessions, etc.) enable students to provide feedback on their learning experience.  The objectives of the course evaluation are:


  1. to provide teaching staff with student feedback on the teaching and learning effectiveness of the subject discipline so that improvement on teaching and learning quality can be made; and
  2. to serve as an indicative assessment of the teaching effectiveness of individual teaching staff. 


The online course evaluation exercise has been implemented University-wide to replace the paper exercise since the 1999/00 academic year.  Starting from the 2014/15 academic year, the CFQ (using the Course Feedback Questionnaire System) has been implemented for measuring teaching and learning quality holistically by semesters.  The former teaching evaluation (TE) questionnaire has been subsumed under the CFQ in ALL courses. The CFQ comprises three parts: I) Quality of Teaching, II) Reflection on Learning, and III) General Information.
Basically, the administration of the CFQ follows that of the former TE exercise. CFQ is only conducted online, predominantly using mobile devices. Teachers are recommended to allow an interval of 10-15 minutes for their students to complete the CFQ in class during the final two weeks of the semester.


Use of CFQ data

Student feedback and learning data as collected in the CFQ are to be returned to the respective teachers as well as the corresponding Heads/Directors and Deans for monitoring purposes. The CFQ results of General Education (GE) courses are also released to both the Director of GE and the Chairman of the General Education Committee from the 2021/22 academic year onwards.
The Academic Registry is responsible for the overall coordination and administration of the CFQ, while the role of monitoring rests with the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC).  The Teaching and Learning Policy Committee works closely with the QAC continuously to review and formulate relevant policies and guidelines to fine-tune the entire CFQ exercise.



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