Student Services
Suspension of Studies
2021/22 academic year and before
- Leave of Absence refers to the leave granted to students due to participation in internship/placement or self-arranged overseas studies.
- Suspension of Studies refers to the leave initiated by students due to health problems, urgent family affairs or other circumstances as deemed acceptable by the student's Department/Programme.
2022/23 academic year onwards
A new set of regulations has been implemented:
- Leave of Absence refers to all types of leave initiated by and granted to students for reasons such as internship/placement, self-arranged overseas studies, health problems or urgent family affairs.
- Suspension of Studies refers only to the disciplinary sanction imposed on students by the University.
- Students may be required by the University to have their studies suspended for a period up to 2 semesters as a disciplinary sanction.
- Certain conditions may be applicable to the students in which they must satisfy before they are allowed to resume studies and/or after they have resumed studies. If the students cannot meet such conditions, they may be required to further suspend studies or withdraw from the University.
- For suspension period lasting for 1 semester or more, a remark regarding the student’s suspension of studies will be shown on the academic transcript.