Student Services
Appeal Procedures
- Students may address queries on academic matters to the Academic Registrar, the Dean of the Faculty/School, the Department Head/Programme Director, or any member of the teaching staff as relevant.
- The usual channel is for students to consult the course instructor when the query is about work in a particular course on a programme, the Department Head/Programme Director when the matter is related to the programme as a whole, and the Academic Registrar when the query concerns academic policies and procedures.
- If the query has the potential to become a matter for appeal, students should submit their official enquiries in writing to the Academic Registry.
- A student who wishes to appeal against course-based assessment including examination grades should first appeal in writing to the course instructor and Department Head/Programme Director concerned within 3 weeks after students are notified of the course semester grades.
- The course instructor, or a review panel as decided by the Department Head/Programme Director, shall review the case and report to the Department Head/Programme Director, giving explanations. The student should be informed of the decision within 6 weeks from the day he/she lodges an appeal. Any changes in grades should be reported to the Academic Registry at the same time.
- If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the reassessment, he/she may appeal in writing to the Academic Registrar within 2 weeks after receiving the decision from the Programme, giving full reasons in support of the appeal. A fee will be charged for the appeal.
The Academic Registrar shall review the case and determine if there are grounds for re-consideration:
• If the Academic Registrar considers that there are insufficient grounds for the appeal, the appeal will be refused and the decision is final.
• If the appeal is accepted, the Academic Registrar shall reconsider the case in consultation with the course instructor and the Department Head/Programme Director to make a final decision. If deemed appropriate, the Academic Registrar may convene an Appeal Panel to review the case to make a final decision.
- Upon the recommendation of the Department Head/Programme Director, the Senate may require students with poor academic results to repeat a year of study or be dismissed from the University.
- A student who wishes to appeal against such academic decisions should do so in writing to the Academic Registrar before the deadline set for the completion of clearance procedures, giving full reasons in support of the appeal. A fee will be charged for the appeal.
- The Academic Registrar will determine if there are grounds for re-consideration: If it is considered that there are no grounds for the appeal, the original Senate decision will be upheld and the decision is final.
- If the appeal is accepted, an Appeal Panel will be convened to consider the case. A decision of the Appeal Panel to uphold the original Senate decision is final.
- Any recommendation of the Appeal Panel to revoke Senate decision shall be subject to ratification by the Senate.
- The Appeal Panel shall include:
• Chairman — Chairman of the Undergraduate Regulations Committee; or in his/her absence, a senior academic nominated by the Academic Registrar; • A senior academic nominated by the Chairman; and • Academic Registrar.