Graduation Requirements

Students have to fulfill the following requirements in order to graduate:
- University General Requirements
- Requirements for University Life
- Programme Requirements
- Unit and Grade Point Average Requirements
- Language Requirements
For students who cannot complete the graduation requirements within the normal duration of the study programme because of academic problems, a concession of one additional year to complete their studies may be allowed. This concession is subject to the approval of the Senate. The additional year of study should immediately follow the candidates’ final year of study at the University.
In addition to fulfilling all the above requirements, students must settle all tuition fee payments before they can be considered for graduation.
Please click HERE and select the Bulletin Year of the General Regulation for Undergraduate Degree Programme at the year of students’ admission for the details of the Graduation.
Honours Classification
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Scholastic Awards
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Schedules for Approval of Graduation
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Important Notes for Graduating Students
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