University Language Policy

The medium of instruction (MOI) for classroom teaching (in all forms) at HKBU is English, except for those courses that are granted exemption.
To maintain transparency while allowing flexibility, Faculties/Schools and teaching units^ are invited to submit annually, according to the implementation guidelines and the submission schedule, the Language Policy Implementation (LPI) Plan and the lists of courses with the proposed MOI (MOI Plans) for the ensuing academic year to the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) for deliberation and approval. The approved MOI for individual courses will be recorded in the University Cyber Port System (BUniPort), the University Student Handbook for the ensuing academic year to provide students with the necessary information on course enrolment, as well as the academic transcript.
^ Teaching units include the Division of Transdisciplinary Undergraduate Programmes (DTUP) and Language Centre (LC).