Tuition Fees
All students are required to observe the Payment Schedule for tuition fee payment in each term.
All debit notes for tuition fees (other than the first installment of tuition) are ONLY issued in electronic copy, available in the web-based University Cyber Port System (BUniPort). No hard copy of the debit notes will be printed and mailed to students. Please refer to the demonstrations (here) on how to view and print e-debit note.
Our Finance Office will send email notification (normally two weeks before the payment due dates) to students’ HKBU email accounts whenever an e-Debit Note is issued. Please refer to the Introductory Video on Fee Payments and the suggested Payment Methods.
Students are reminded that there will be a fixed overdue penalty charge if they failed to settle the tuition fee before the due date. Furthermore, students who fail to settle the outstanding tuition fees within 10 working days from the due date shall be considered as unofficially withdrawn from study. For those students, no official documents will be issued, and he/she will not be re-admitted under this status.