Course Add/Drop for New Students
Classes for Semester 1, 2024/25 will begin on 3 September 2024. Please login to the BUniPort for the updated course enrolment record and class timetable before attending classes (click "My Enrolment Records & Class Timetable").
Online course add/drop period is scheduled for 3 to 16 September (except for 8 & 15 September).
From 10:00 a.m. of 7 September to 16 September, the "Course Add/Drop" function will be available to all students (with the exception of 3:30 a.m. - 5:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. each day, and the whole day of 8 & 15 September)
You may login the BUniPort via the following DIRECT LINK during the add/drop period to add/drop courses:
Or you may access the add/drop function via the BUniPort (click "Registration" > Course Add/Drop") during the period.
Adding/dropping courses is on a first-come-first-served basis. To avoid system overload, each student is assigned a timeslot* for adding/dropping courses according to their study year as follows:
3 September - Year 4 and above
4 September - Year 3
5 September - Year 2
6 September - Year 1
Please check the timeslot assigned to you via the BUniPort (select "Studies" > "Registration" > "Course Add/Drop").
* Each student is randomly assigned to the morning or afternoon session for adding/dropping courses. Students who are assigned with an afternoon session in Semester 1 will be given a morning session in Semester 2, and vice versa.
For most courses, adding the course does not require the approval of course instructor. You may refer to the BUniPort (click "Programme and Course Information" > Course Information") for details.
Dropping of elective courses can be done via the BUniPort and course instructor's approval is not required. In case you need to drop core/required courses, please contact the Academic Registry.
A course instructor may agree to increase the quota but the increased quota will not be assigned to a particular student. Instead, it will be offered to all students on a first-come-first-served basis.
Application procedures are available here.
Successful enrolment on the course after obtaining approval is subject to fulfillment of all registration requirements, e.g. pre-requisite requirement and availability of class quota, etc.
Application for waiving pre/co-requisite, target student requirements or for study load exceeding 18 units should be submitted before the time slot assigned for course add/drop.
Application procedures are available here.
Information on change of class timetable and cancellation of course/section will be released via the "Important Announcements" in the "Course Add/Drop" function during 3 - 16 September.
Updated information on the venue of the first class of some GCPE and VART courses is also available under "Important Announcements".
For on-line add/drop procedures and FAQs, please refer to the DEMO files below:
a) Course Registration Step 1 – View Study Schedule (core courses, elective courses and no. of units required)
b) Course Registration Step 2 – View Enrolment Record and Timetable
c) Course Registration Step 3 – View Course Information (class timetable, quota, pre-/co-requisite and target students)
For questions regarding course add/drop, please inquire at the AR Service Counter (Academic and Administration Building);
or call us at 3411 2224 during the following office hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
Other Academic Activities
Please refer to the Academic Calendar available at the AR Homepage for other academic activities.