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Student Services
Student Services

Financial Assistance

All full-time students with financial needs may apply for financial assistances in the form of grant, bursary and loan.


Government Financial Assistance  

The government offers financial assistance in the form of means-tested grant and/or loan and non-means-tested loan to needy full-time UGC-funded local students. The beneficiaries are expected to repay their loans within a specified period after graduation or leaving the University.


Important guidelines and procedures will be available on the website of Scholarship and Financial Aid Unit, Office of Student Affairs:


University Bursary, Loan and Emergency Fund  

In addition to the availability of government grant and loan, the University provides bursaries, loans and emergency grants to full-time UGC-funded students with financial difficulties.  Bursaries and loans applications from local undergraduate students can be made to the Office of Student Affairs from late August to mid-September 2024. Details of applications will be announced via e-announcement, email and the following website in due course:


