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Student Services

Applications in relation to Course Registration

Applications in relation to Course Registration
(Available for Course Add/Drop period only)
Application for Adding a Course (for course which requires instructor's approval only)Course Instructor
Application for Excess Study Load (for exceeding 18 units in semester)Department Head/Programme Director and the Academic Registrar
Application for Waiving Pre-/Co-requisite RequirementsCourse Instructor and Head of Course Offering Department
Application for Waiving Target Student RequirementsCourse Instructor


The Academic Registry will launch online application for Semester 1, 2024-25 at 10:00 am on 29 August 2024. The add/drop related Online Forms will be closed at 5:00 pm on 13 September 2024. (As students cannot add/drop courses after 11:59 pm on 16 September 2024, you should submit your application(s) according to the abovementioned application period as early as possible to allow sufficient time for approvers to consider the applications and for yourself to complete course registration before the course add/drop deadline.)



Students can submit the applications via BUniPort (Studies > My e-Application > Online Form > My Online Form).  The procedures are as follows:



  1. Submit an online application via BUniPort.
  2. Attach or upload supporting documents if necessary.
  3. Students will receive email notification about the application result once the recommendation has been made by the approver. Upon approval, students can then login BUniPort and add the course(s) online by themselves.


Note: For students who wish to apply for excess study load and register for more than 21 units, a detailed written explanation must be submitted in the online system.
