Home > Faculties, Schools & Academy > School of Chinese Medicine > Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in Chinese Medicine
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) in Chinese Medicine
中藥學學士 (榮譽)
Programme Description
This programme equips students with the fundamental knowledge and technologies of herbal botany, Chinese materia medica (CMM), formulas of Chinese materia medica, authentication of Chinese materia medica and Chinese medicines, unique and traditional processing method of Chinese medicine, phytochemistry, herbal pharmacology, phytochemical analysis, new drug research and development from Chinese medicine, and pharmaceutical marketing, trade, management and legislation.
The programme is delivered in a four-year mode. In the first three years, students will receive fundamental and professional training at the University. In the final year, they undertake a supervised practicum in Hong Kong and mainland China and to complete an honours project research.
Duration: 4 years
Career Opportunities
With Chinese medicine now subject to government regulation, society has developed an urgent demand for professionals who can undertake Chinese medicine quality control and manufacturing, and related business management, new product development and trading. Graduates can also take on further studies at postgraduate level. As the demand for authentic, high quality Chinese medicine is growing worldwide, graduates may also consider careers in trading and the development of the Chinese medicines industry locally, regionally or internationally.
Programme Admission Requirements
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